Improving Shoulder Stability, Grip and Hips – Full body preparation for 17.2
For 18.2 Mobility Guide Click Here
A big shout out to GLC2000 athletes Emma Mcquaid & Sam Briggs for placing 2nd and 6th in Europe on 17.1.
Hopefully after 17.1 your members lower back and grip muscles have had a bit of a chance to recover. 17.2 brings some exciting new movements to test their grip, work their lower backs and generally push them to their limits.
Workout 17.2 is another chance for those shiny new dumbbells to have an outing. Two dumbells brings even bigger stability challenges for the shoulders, whilst the combination of toes to bar and bar muscle ups followed by dumbbell power cleans is sure to absolutely fry your forearms and upper back.
Increasing shoulder stability and activating the muscles in the back and forearms is a must to improve grip strength and get the most out of this 12 minute AMRAP. Check out our 5 minute video for some great warmup and mobility tips:
Thanks to Hat Hewitt of MAP Rehab & Crossfit Watford
Samantha Briggs 17.2 Strategy Guide: