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Tony Carter


Where to start, doctor said rest, physio said exercise, then I started on the supplements..

I’ve suffered knee problems for what seems like forever from my Rugby days. Saw the doc and a physio then jumped on the pills.
Grabbed the cheapest thing off the shelf in the shops, as the saying goes “you get what you pay for”.
I was on a mix of fish supplements, glucosamine, chondroitin, pills, powder. My stomach wasn’t the best for a while 🙂
Anyway, nothing really helped. I couldn’t exercise because of my knee, generally fairly miserable.
I found the US version of this site when trawling the interent  and was pulled in by their flashy endorsements. It wasn’t cheap after shipping and import tax but it’s honestly the best money I’ve ever spent!
Within 2 weeks the knee was feeling better, month later I’d say 80% sorted.. I take 1 a day now and hitting the gym/rugby with no fears.
Great to see it’s finally being sold from the UK – keep it up!
Tony Carter, 24, Canterbury

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