Heavy Deadlift Edition
There is no shying away from the fact that 18.4 is a lot of deadlifts. These will tax you midline and then going upside down for HSPU and handstand walks is going to cause you to move from lower back flexion to extension in a fatigued state.
If you don’t warmup effectively there is a good chance your lower back will be sore or worse after this workout.
We’ve put together a 6 minute video with 6 exercises so you aren’t booking yourself in for an appointment with your chiropractor this weekend.
There is a focus on glute and hamstring activation, upper back and shoulder mobility and some drills to warmup your wrists. So you’ve got all bases covered:
For time:
21 deadlifts, 102kg/70kg
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts, 102kg/70kg
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts, 102kg/70kg
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts, 143kg/93kg
50-ft. handstand walk
15 deadlifts, 143kg/93kg
50-ft. handstand walk
9 deadlifts, 143kg/93kg
50-ft. handstand walk
Time cap: 9 minutes
Grab yourself the following equipment:
- Kettlebell (light)
- Elevate Surface (If you’re mobile)
- A bit of floor space
Watch this 6 minute warmup and mobility guide to make sure you’re effectively warmed up for 18.4:
Thanks to Hat Hewitt of MAP Rehab & Crossfit Watford

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