My Shoulder is no longer a worry
I dislocated a shoulder playing basketball in college in USA. I had surgery to sort it, and everything seemed fine. I had no pain until I started lifting again months later.
Lifting again caused me constant aches and pains, and so I thought my career would be short lived.
Willing to try anything I got some GLC2000 when it first came on the scene off a friend and have taken it religiously since then.
After about a month of taking GLC2000 my shoulder was no longer a worry, and I wasn’t any other joint pains either.
My body feels 10 years younger since I’ve been taking GLC2000.
Stupidly ran out of my GLC2000 last year, unfortunately I was without it for a month. I felt like a 90 year old lady getting out of bed in the morning. That never happened and never will happen again. I swear by this product.
Mary Hulgraine
National Powerlifting Record Holder, Crossfit Athlete & S&C Coach
Crossfit Strength & Performance (CSP), Bray, Ireland