Mobility, Recovery & Injury Prevention for Weightlifters
Weightlifting is a tough sport, there are so many benefits that come from strength training, however recovery and looking after yourself is very important.
A few weeks ago we helped our coach out being demo models and extra pairs of eyes when he was running a beginners Olympic Weightlifting seminar, one of the things he said that stuck with me (other than all of the very interesting technical pointers) was when he asked how people felt (about 2 hours into day one of the seminar); if they were suffering with any pain…. a lot of people replied their muscles were sore from holding the positions or their hands were hurting…….his response was…… get used to it, Olympic Weightlifting is a tough sport, it has many benefits for your health but it will take its toll on your body.
“the older I get, the more time I have to invest in recovery and maintenance”
Speaking from experience I can say that this is very true, weightlifting is a tough sport both physically and mentally, which means that looking after yourself is very important, not only so that you can get into the gym every session and make the most of your time but also to prevent injuries, and ensure you are able to keep lifting and moving at your best.
The longer I have been weightlifting, and though I don’t like to admit it, the older I get, the more time I have to invest in recovery and maintenance to make sure I can show up and be as close to 100% as possible and get the most out of every training session.
Just over a year ago I hurt my shoulder in training, it wasn’t a major event it was just a Jerk that went a bit wrong and jarred my shoulder a little…. Me being me, I decided it would just fix itself and continued training anyway (and competed in 2 CrossFit team competitions and a Regional Olympic Weightlifting Competition, in the space of 2 months, making it clear this was actually a very not bright idea at all). A few months later when it wasn’t getting any better, in fact it was getting worse and I could see that my shoulders range of movement was actually getting smaller, I decided to get an appointment to see my osteopath and see what was wrong… basically I had inflamed pretty much all of the tendons in my right shoulder, not clever, so ice rest and stretching was the recommendation.
“My shoulder consistently flared up for over 6 months and was always a background niggle”
It then consistently flared up for over 6 months and was always a background niggle, to add to this my left arm decided to join in, for no apparent reason my tricep started acting up, it wasn’t anything major just a tight uncomfortable pain, something I could train through, it was most uncomfortable warming up, doing snatch balances and in the front rack position, it wasn’t any sharp pain or anything that stopped me lifting, but I knew something wasn’t right. I decided I needed to start taking recovery a lot more seriously, as part of this I decided to try taking GLC2000 to see if that would make any difference….
“Within 1 month of taking GLC2000 I noticed a huge improvement in my shoulders range of movement”
I have heard a lot of positive things about GLC2000 over the last few years and it looked like something that could help as it is for the health of cartilage, ligaments, tendons and the joint capsule (all of which were niggles for me!). GLC2000’s main ingredients, Glucosamine and Chondroitin, are both naturally produced by the human body. Their availability influences the health of cartilage, ligaments, tendons and the joint capsule.
All of the scientific reasons for the benefits of GLC2000 can be found on the website (WWW.GLC2000.CO.UK)
“GLC2000 has now become a pivotal part of my recovery, mobility and injury prevention”
Within 1 month of taking GLC2000 I noticed a huge improvement in my shoulders range of movement and I was pretty much pain free. Winner! Over the next few months of taking GLC2000 and investing time in more yoga classes and making sure I warm up and stretch properly, my shoulders and arms stopped being an issue. Even when we started a new heavier and more intense training programme and life got in the way of attending as many yoga classes as I would like, I haven’t had any problems with my shoulder.
So GLC2000 has now become a pivotal part of my recovery, mobility and injury prevention which if anything, are more important than training itself. If I skip a few days of GLC2000 with travelling etc I really start to feel the impact of the heavy loads on my body and joints. The other bonus I have noticed from taking GLC2000 is that my hair and nails are so much stronger and look so much healthier than before, this doesn’t directly benefit my training, though its always a bit of a confidence boost to have a good hair day!
Katarina Wiemeyer
National Level Olympic Weightlifter. BWL & CrossFit LV1 Certified Coach