Jean Mae Cordova; Senior Powerlifter with Bodies in Motion, +86 years young and going strong.
This is what I have to say. I’ve had joint problems since I was 15 years old. For the past 25 years I’ve had an on going problem in my right groin. Sometimes it was so bad that I couldn’t raise my leg more than 6 in. off the ground. After taking your product for only three weeks the problem has disappeared and has never returned. I’m able to do the seated leg press with 520 lbs., bench press 120 lbs., Military press 55lbs, And do 30 regular push ups. The important thing is not the weight I use or that I’m nearly 83 years old, but the fact that I can do all of this without any discomfort. What a relief to get up in the mornings without aching and stiff joints after only 2 months using GLC 2000. What I’m writing is a fact. So please don’t say anymore than what I have written..Thank you for such a wonderful product.
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