‘My shoulder is pain free’
Diary of A CrossFit Master – Part 2
Well the good news is that on Friday I managed to complete Randy (75 x 25kg power snatch) in six minutes and thirty seconds, which was a respectable time for me and although I could feel the usual ache in my shoulders and delts over the weekend, my “issue” shoulder had held up well and felt fine for training again on Monday. (My head – not so much after swigging a few too many red wines at the after-party following the USA v Europe showdown!)
After my first GLC2000 review went on-line last week a few people have asked me if I really thought it could work that quickly and to be honest I don’t know.. but I don’t have any pain in my shoulder and that is significant for me, and enough for me to keep taking the tablets for a few more weeks to see if they have any effect on the arthritic symptoms I have recently developed in my fingers.
In the meantime, the improvement in my shoulder has been so good that I have been practicing pull ups this week – a real weakness of mine, and with my shoulder pain free at the moment I want to crack these as soon as possible.
Tonights wod at 3D is “Ellie” – a combo of heavy overhead squats, pull ups and double unders – if that doesn’t test it, nothing will!