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Facebook Group Rules

Master(s) Joint Health FB Group

In order to be part of a thriving and supportive community please read and agree to the group rules:

NO ASSHOLES. Seriously. We have zero tolerance for harassment. We welcome all viewpoints & value respectful discussions and even disagreement. But if you’re a jerk, you can go be a jerk somewhere else.

NO PROMOTION of your products, programs, services or that of your sponsors. No links to your products, courses, or list building efforts. No soliciting members of the group. (The only exception is in promo threads, which will be clearly marked to avoid any confusion.)

NO SPAM. NO AFFILIATE LINKS. You may share a tool, helpful article, resources that you love and use, but no affiliate or sponsor links.
Help each other out. Offer feedback and insight whenever possible. Remember to be kind.

No ‘Facebook Live’ or uploaded videos in the group. While we love Facebook Live, if multiple members of the group go ‘live’, it could overwhelm everyone with notifications and videos.

Let’s have some fun! Post your wins, questions and challenges. Support others, seek support and most of all make progress on joint health, fitness and mobility goals.

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Managing Long Term Joint Issues

Joint care for people who have tried everything

Want To Stay Active As You Age?

Supporting your active lifestyle

“The needs of the pro athlete and your Grandma differ by degree, not kind.”


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